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Conference Fund for Research Master's Social Sciences

Last modified on 15-11-2024 10:19
Research Master's students in Social Sciences wishing to attend an academic conference can apply for funding at the Research Master Conference Fund (RMCF) of the Graduate School.
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Why a conference fund for Social Sciences?

It is of special relevance for Research Master students to experience 'real' academic life, such as participating in academic meetings and/or conferences. In order to allow GSSS Research Master students to participate in academic conferences the GSSS has established a conference fund. This fund is intended to support Research Master students to attend academic meetings or conferences as a valuable addition to their studies.

For whom and how much?

Students involved in one of the three GSSS Research Masters (Research Master International Development Studies; Research Master Social Sciences; Research Master Urban Studies)  can apply for a Conference Fund grant once during their studies. The relevance of the conference for the student’s study needs to be supported by a member of staff (professor, academic advisor, tutor) in the programme.

The GSSS Research Master Conference Fund (RMCF) aims to support the attendance of an academic meeting taking place in the Netherlands. Conferences abroad are not excluded in principle, but the funding provides only limited support. A maximum allocation of € 150,- per student for travel expenses and conference fees is available.

Application Procedure

In order to be eligible for the GSSS Research Master conference fund students need to fill out and submit the application form to the International Office Social Sciences by email at least two weeks before the conference date. The application form requires the following information:

  • Information about the applicant (name, student number, study). 
  • Information about the meeting/conference (title, date, organization, attendance fee).
  • Name and contact information of a staff member and tutor/academic advisor supporting the application.

The international office social sciences aims to inform the application if the conference fund is granted within three weeks. The student will then receive further instructions on how to submit an expense claim form.

Fill in the RMCF Application FormExternal link.