Student.uva.nl: the right information all in one place
Student.uva.nl: the right information all in one place
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Recent changes
Your personal dashboard
The student.uva.nl homepage is the place where you can find all information around your study programme that is relevant to you. When you log into the homepage, you immediately see your personal dashboard with your own timetable, practical information and links to other apps. In addition, the navigation has been updated. Instead of having to use an A-Z search menu, you can now find the right information within a few clicks. You only must select your study programme the first time and then quickly you will find all the information you’re looking for, by using the ‘topics’ menu.
It's about you
The UvA has worked hard behind the scenes to develop student.uva.nl, which enables you to find what you’re looking for, just within a few clicks. The development process obviously focuses on the needs of students. A diverse group of students is involved in the development of the site and they test the site developers’ results every few weeks. Inclusivity and accessibility are the core values in these test sessions. These sessions generate valuable feedback and help to develop a site that operates as optimally as possible.
Give your feedback
We will continue to run test sessions to further improve student.uva.nl and add new options. If you would like to take part in a test session, sign up for the UvA test panel.
If you want to give some quick feedback or have advice for us how we can make the website even better, you can use the feedback button on the right side of the screen.
What else can you expect?
We will make further improvements to student.uva.nl and add new options step by step. These will include getting push notifications for last minute changes to your timetable and new study results, a mobile app to replace the My UvA app, asking questions through live chat and arranging things online, such as scheduling a meeting with a member of staff.
We will continue to focus on:
- ensuring all the right information can be found in one place;
- a personal dashboard with your timetable and results;
- keeping you up to date on news and events;
- enabling you to ask questions via the site;
- making it easy to arrange things online (e.g. scheduling a meeting).
We will of course keep you and your fellow students up to date on the latest developments.