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Adjust UvA email address because of spelling error or different name

Last modified on 19-10-2024 16:15
In some cases you can adjust your UvA email address. For instance, if it contains a spelling error, or you have formally changed your name. You do that by adjusting your name in Studielink.
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You can adjust your UvA email address if it contains a spelling error, or if you have formally changed your name. It sometimes also happens that your UvA email address is not to your liking. For instance, if you have multiple last names of which you only use one.

UvA email addresses are automatically generated from your preferred name and surname (including infixes) as they are stated in Studielink. If you want to change your email address, you first have to adjust your name in Studielink. To do so, log in to Studielink with your DigiD. The information in Studielink and our ICT systems is synchronised during the night, so it may take up to 24 hours before your name is displayed correctly in our systems.

If you don't have access to Studielink, or you have arranged your enrolment without using Studielink, then please contact the Central Student Service Desk (CSSD).

Step 2: change UvA email address

Once you've modified your name in Studielink, go through these steps to change your UvA email address as well:

  • Open a browser and go to link.
  • Log in with your UvAnetID and your corresponding password.
  • Check if your details are displayed correctly, and scroll down.
  • At the bottom of the page, your current UvA email address is displayed, and below it, a button 'Generate your email address.' If you click that, your current UvA email address is being compared with the details from Studielink.
  • If that information does not match, a new UvA email address will automatically be generated based on the most recent details from Studielink. Here you have the option to either accept or reject the new UvA email address. If you reject it because it is not correct, then please contact Servicedesk ICTS. If you accept the new UvA email address, then your old UvA email address automatically becomes an alias. That way, you don't miss any emails. After that, the new email address is automatically set as your primary UvA email address.

Processing time

Checking if the new UvA email address is available, and subsequently processing it, may take up to 5 minutes. While waiting, we ask you not to refresh the webpage.

Synchronising your new UvA email address with all of our ICT systems takes 24 hours at the most. During that time you can still be contacted through the old UvA email address that was already added as an alias.


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