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U21 Student Challenge 2024 from May 27 until July 8, 2024

U21 Student Challenge 2024

Laatst gewijzigd op 29-04-2024 12:48
From May 27 until July 8, 2024, the U21 Health Sciences Group is organizing another Student Challenge. This year's theme is 'Health, data and climate: looking for solutions in healthcare'.
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This year's theme is 'Health, data and climate: looking for solutions in healthcare'. Together with students from 15 different countries, you will work on a short video presentation in which you will make recommendations to WHO. The project is online and starts on May 27, 2024.

Prior to the first meeting you will meet the other participants and watch an online video presentation in which experts share their knowledge on the topic. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate as proof of participation.

Will you participate in this unique experience? You can apply until May 3, 2024 at the latest via internationaloffice@amc.uva.nl. Please mention 'U21 Challenge' in your e-mail header.