What is your study programme?
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What is your study programme?

Take one or more courses abroad as a free mover

Take one or more courses abroad as a free mover

Last modified on 21-02-2025 12:20
If you want to study abroad for a while, but are not taking part in an exchange, it is possible to organise your study stay abroad as a 'free mover'.
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What is your study programme?

If you are not placed for the exchange programme of your choice or if you want to study at a university that does not have an exchange agreement with the University of Amsterdam, you can choose to go abroad as a 'free mover'. You are a free mover if you take courses at a university abroad on your own initiative, outside a set programme. In this case, you organise your study stay entirely by yourself.

Points of attention

If you want to study abroad as a free mover, at least follow these steps:

  • Contact the university of your choice yourself, discuss the options and requirements, and ask what all you need to arrange. Start on time.
  • Check the level of the university, especially if it is an unknown or small university. Some universities call themselves 'university', but in the Netherlands would rather be seen as hbo or mbo education. It is also important that the university's accreditation is in order. Your International Office can help you with this.
  • As a free mover, you remain enrolled at the University of Amsterdam. You also pay tuition fees during the period you are abroad. In addition, you usually pay tuition fees to the host university.
  • So think carefully in advance about how you are going to pay for your stay abroad. Financial support may be possible.
  • Do you want your courses to be visible on your diploma? Then have them approved in advance by the Examination Board.
  • Have you arranged everything for taking your coarses? Read how to best prepare for your stay abroad.

More information and help

Despite the fact that you arrange everything yourself for taking courses abroad, your International Office can advise you on taking courses abroad as a 'free mover'. 

The student counsellors can help you with information on financing your study abroad, scholarships and other financial matters.