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Siggie: personal online coaching for Humanities students

Last modified on 19-03-2024 17:27
Could you use a helping hand or do you want to work on your personal development? The psychologists at Siggie offer personal online coaching to students of the Faculty of Humanities.
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Personal online coaching 

Are you dealing with study pressure, stress, tension, worries, low self-confidence, loneliness, gloominess, fear of failure and/or social anxiety? Siggie offers personal online coaching and teaches you how to deal with your challenges. 


The coaching process with your professional Siggie student coach consists of five online video sessions, spread over approximately ten weeks. You will also be able to work with various e-health modules. 

You will discuss the challenges you face, and the coaches will identify your personal talents and qualities. You learn how to use these to cope better with your problems and to develop more resilience. The methods used by the coaches are a combination of traditional psychology and modern psychology, and are also based on the latest scientific developments. 


Siggie's coaching is reimbursed by the UvA for all FGw students. Siggie is an independent party; your personal information will not be shared with the university. 


Do you think Siggie can help you? If so, please register using the contact form on the Siggie websiteExternal link. It is important that you enter your UvA e-mail address (voornaam.achternaam@student.uva.nl) correctly in the form.