Early Career Fund (Brain and Cognitive Sciences)
You can apply once each semester for a maximum of €150. Please submit your application before you incur costs.
To be eligible for reimbursement, the expenses must meet the following conditions:
- The expenses will support your research career.
- The expenses come from work done within the course curriculum, such as presenting the results of a literature thesis or research project.
- The expenses are not travel-related. (See the Study Abroad website for travel-related grants.)
- You are an enrolled student in the Research Master’s in Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the time the expenses are made.
- The expenses will be made after your reimbursement request. In other words, you need to submit your application before you incur costs (see the application procedure below).
How to apply
Application deadlines:
- Semester 1: September 1
- Semester 2: May 1
Send your application to info-mcs@uva.nl. Please include the following:
- A brief description (one paragraph) of how these expenses will contribute to your research career.
- A letter of support written and signed by the examiner of the programme module in which you’ll be incurring costs (e.g. the examiner of the module 'Literature Thesis' or the module 'Research Project').
- An overview of the expected costs.
You will receive an email within three weeks of the application deadline telling you whether your application has been accepted or not.
Will my application be accepted?
At the start of each semester, we evaluate all applications to see if they comply with the conditions stated above. A total of €500 is available each semester. If we receive many applications, totaling more than €500, we won’t be able to reimburse everyone’s expenses. Applications are treated on a first come, first served basis.
To increase your chances, make sure that:
- Your expenses meet the conditions listed above
- You submit your application as early as possible
Getting reimbursed
If your application is approved, you’ll receive further information about how to request a reimbursement.