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What is your study programme?

Amsterdam UMC-account and tiqr

Last modified on 19-10-2024 16:15
Students at the Faculty of Medicine are each assigned an Amsterdam UMC account. This grants you access to computers in the AMC and your personal Amsterdam UMC email.
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With your Amsterdam UMC account, you can log in to the student PCs in the Medical Library and the computer labs at the AMC location. The tiqr-app allows you to log in to your Amsterdam UMC account from home or anywhere else. All e-mail from the UvA and the Faculty of Medicine will be sent to your UvA e-mail address:

If you are a master student in Medicine, you will receive messages from Amsterdam UMC (from the hospital) at the e-mail address:

Problems with UMC email address or password

Are you unable to change the password of your Amsterdam UMC account, has your password expired or is your account blocked and are you unable to log in? Get in touch with the ICT-servicedesk of the AMC. Your password cannot be altered over the phone, but it’s expiration can be postponed to allow you to change it yourself.

Has the AMC HR department informed you that your email address will be terminated whilst your clinical internship is ongoing? You have two positions that are linked to your UMC account: your employee position (for your clinical internship) and your student position:

  • Has your employee position come to an end whilst you are still registered for the postgraduate course in Medicine? Then your UMC account will remain activated and you can ignore the email sent by HR.
  • Has your employee position come to an end and have you deregistered for the postgraduate course in Medicine? Then your UMC account will remain active for another three months before this is blocked. For these three months you can still use your email address.

Amsterdam UMC account and terminating your enrolment

If you (temporarily) terminate your enrolment for longer than three months, your student account will expire and you will no longer have access to your student email or Canvas. Your account will stay active for three months after your termination date.

Problems with tiqr

Get in touch with the ICT-servicedesk of the AMC if:

  • You have forgotten to activate tiqr and as a result can no longer log in.
  • You wish to (re)activate tiqr on a mobile device.