What is your study programme?
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What is your study programme?


Last modified on 12-02-2025 12:35
VOX-POP is the ‘creative space’ of the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Humanities. The VOX-POP programme includes lectures, films, theatre performances and exhibitions.
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What is your study programme?

VOX-POP shares humanities knowledge via a diverse and creative programme that involves an interplay between science, art and culture. It hosts both ‘traditional’ initiatives like lectures and debates and surprising activities like poetry recitals, exhibitions, music events, films and dance and theatre performances.

Free of charge and open to everyone

Students, staff, academics and residents of Amsterdam all come together in VOX-POP to meet and inspire each other. All events are free of charge and open to everyone.

Organising an event yourself

If you have an idea for a new initiative or activity, we would love to hear about it. So, get in touch! If you are happy to offer your activity at no cost and it has a clear connection with the humanities, you will be able to use the VOX-POP space completely free of charge. 

Website and social media

See the website for more information about VOX-POP and the VOX-POP programme. Event updates are posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.



VOX-POPExternal link is the ‘creative space’ of the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Humanities. We organise and host innovative and inspiring events in order to create a bridge between the academic world and the city, between art and science, between culture and society.

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