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What is your study programme?

Thesis awards

Last modified on 19-10-2024 16:15
You might be able to win an award for your thesis. A number of organisations award prizes for the best theses.
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A thesis prize rewards the author of the best thesis on a certain topic with money, publication or a work placement, etc. Thesis prizes are usually awarded to encourage research on a certain topic. 

General thesis prizes: a selection

A selection of the thesis prizes awarded:

  • The UvA Thesis PrizeExternal link
    The UvA Thesis Prize is a UvA-wide prize.
  • The Unilever Thesis PrizeExternal link
  • The SER Thesis PrizeExternal link, for theses about socio-economic topics or other topics relevant for the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (Sociaal-Economische Raad) is active.
  • The ‘reading promotion’ thesis prizeExternal link
    This prize, which is worth €1,000, is awarded to the author of the best graduation thesis on the promotion of reading skills every two years. A number of research themes are possible: reading culture, reading motivation and behaviour, reading comprehension, reader profiles, the social function of reading, digital reading, reading in relation to other media, the role of reading in literature education and culture education and also research on good practices or success factors when promoting reading.
  • The thesis prize for the trade union movementExternal link
    This prize is awarded to (upcoming) graduates of Master’s programmes at Dutch universities that have written theses about topics relevant to the field of the trade union movement or that relate to the role of the trade union movement.

See the full overview of thesis prizesExternal link.