
Opening hours during the holidays. Read more.
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What is your study programme?

Opening hours during the holidays. Read more.

Diversity networks

Last modified on 19-10-2024 16:14
There are several communities at the UvA to help you feel at home here.
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    The UvA has a number of diversity networks that can help you feel at home at the university. Through these networks you can get to know people, meet in a safe environment and share your experiences.

    UvA Pride

    UvA PrideExternal link is a social network, knowledge hub and emancipation movement for the LGBTIQA+ community at the UvA. They regularly organise drinks, lectures and other events on LGBTIQA+ topics.

    UvA IDEAs

    UvA IDEAs is run by students with a disability who are committed to creating an accessible and inclusive university. UvA IDEAs is here for all students with a disability and/or chronic illness who want to meet like-minded people.

    Support for refugees

    A range of initiatives exists to support refugees who would like to study or gain work experience at the UvA. On you can find out more: Information for refugeesExternal link.