By voting, you determine which parties will be part of the student councils and represent you in meetings with the UvA Board. This year, the UvA is also donating €1 per vote to charity. Your vote has an impact!
You can vote via or via the official voting call you received by email. You can vote from Monday, 13 May 9:00 to Friday, 17 May 23:59 and from Thursday, 23 May to Monday, 27 May at 12:00.
There is a Central Student Council (CSR) for the entire UvA. In addition, each faculty has a Faculty Student Council (FSR). You have the right to vote for the CSR and the FSR of the faculty(s) where you study. Here you will find an overview of the parties you can vote for.
A total of fifteen parties are taking part in the elections this year, of which seven for the CSR. The number of participating parties differs per faculty. Not sure which party you want to vote for yet? In the Voting GuideExternal link you will discover which party suits you best.
The student councils consult with the Executive Board and the deans and have the right of consent and advice. They can therefore really make a difference in important cases. By voting, you determine which parties will take place in the student councils and which parties will represent you during meetings with the board of the UvA. Not convinced yet?
This year, the UvA is donating € 1 to Doctors Without Borders for every vote cast. By voting, you therefore easily contribute to a strong democracy within the UvA and to a good cause. Use your right to vote!