Amsterdam International Law Clinic
The Amsterdam International Law Clinic provides legal services on all questions on international law. Cases taken on by the Amsterdam International Law Clinic may cover topics such as international human rights, international criminal law, international environmental law, international fiscal law or any other topic within international law.
It was established to meet the needs of students for more experience in dealing with real cases. In international legal practice, a growing interest exists for lawyers with a deeper understanding of, and experience in, the functioning and the application of international and European law.
This clinic offers you the possibility to gain such experience and at the same time to make contact with your future profession in a direct manner. This co-operation between organisations, companies and law-firms on the one hand, and students of international law on the other, is exceptional in Dutch legal practice. The Amsterdam International Law Clinic is therefore unique in the Netherlands.

Clinical work
In the Amsterdam International Law Clinic you will acquire the knowledge needed to build up a solid case. You will also be directly involved in providing legal advice on international law for clients for which the students conduct legal research, provide legal advice and draft legal documents. The clinical work is conducted in a team of 3-5 students.
Students are closely supervised by faculty staff from the Departments of Public International Law and European Law, as well as the Amsterdam Center of International Law (ACIL). As a clinic student, you will receive intensive, hands-on, guidance on how to conduct legal research, and how to write a legal opinion for external clients. Emphasis is placed on professionalism, high quality work, teamwork, and respect for confidentiality.
"Participation in the Amsterdam Law Clinics has allowed me to develop invaluable skills in communication, research, teamwork and drafting that will be useful throughout my professional career."
Requirements, eligibility and application
The Amsterdam International Law Clinic is only open for students enrolled in:
- Track Public International Law
- Track International Trade and Investment Law
- Track International and Transnational Criminal Law
Should a particular case or project in the Amsterdam International Law Clinic provide the possibility for students from other Masters to participate, this will be communicated through the clinic’s website informing other Master's students about the possibility to apply as well.
Other requirements are:
- You are available at least 10 hours per week;
- You have a strong work ethic, excellent communication and English-writing skills, and a genuine interest in international law.
Check out the specifics on how to apply.
Upcoming projects
In the second semester of 2024-2025, students will do a project for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UN Global Firearms Programme. The Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, their Parts and Components and Ammunition (Firearms Protocol) is the only legally binding instrument to counter the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition at the global level.The Firearms Protocol provides for a framework for states to control and regulate licit arms and arms flows, prevent their diversion into the illegal circuit, facilitate the investigation and prosecution of related offences without hampering legitimate transfers.
The Firearms Protocol does not include a single reference to human rights. This Law Clinic project will produce a memorandum for the client examining the relationship between the Firearms Protocol and human rights law obligations relating to risk mitigation and the prevention of downstream damage in the context of arms flows. The project will involve conducting research of international rules on human rights and arms trade, and regional obligations, including European law and legislation. Selected participants will work with the client towards outlining the legal framework relevant to the application of the Firearms Protocol in accordance with international human rights benchmarks.
In the first semester of academic year 2024/2025, the Amsterdam International Law Clinic (AILC) runs several projects that deal with issues of public international law:
- A project with the Civil Forum for Asset Recovery (CiFAR). This NGO works to support the international recovery of the proceeds of corruption (stolen asset recovery).
- A recurrent project aimed at providing research support to Professor Donders in her work for the UN Human Rights Committee, see also below under 'Prior Projects'.
- A multi-year research project aimed at assessing the possibility of bringing a legal claim against the State of the Netherlands for reparations for slavery in present-day Suriname and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.
Prior projects
In the first semester 23-24, the Amsterdam International Law Clinic began a multi-year research project commissioned by the law firm Prakken d'Oliveira into the possibility of a legal claim against the State of the Netherlands for reparations for slavery in present-day Suriname and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.
The Clinic has also worked on the project on ‘Access to Justice for Gun Violence’ in cooperation with the Asser Institute and the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Students have developed a memorandum on legal remedies available to gun victims across European jurisdictions.
In addition, Professor Yvonne Donders is member of the UN Human Rights Committee as of January 2023. The Amsterdam International Law Clinic runs a recurrent project to provide her with research support. A clinic team assists her in preparing the sessions of the HRC. During these sessions, several State reports as well as individual communications will be discussed. There can also be discussions on (draft) general comments.
Other examples of matters the Amsterdam International Law Clinic has been involved in include:
- A project addressing the topic of technology transfer and International Investment Agreements.
- research for and drafting of the text for a speech to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;
- research for various NGO's into possibilities to force parties to take responsibilities for war crimes in certain countries and the possibilities to administer universal justice to these cases.
- Monetary Payments for Civilian Harm in International and National Practice (pdf) (2013)
- Non-Contractual Liability of the EU for Damage Sustained by Women Who Received PIP Breast Implants (pdf) (2013)
- Enforced Disappearances as Continuing Violations (pdf) (2002)
- Establishing an Individual Complaints Procedure Against Violation of International Humanitarian Law (pdf) (2000)
- Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights: An Interpretation of Articles 6, 7, 9 and 26 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (pdf) (2002)
- Undue Delay in the Case Law of the ECHR: Varicak Marica v. Croatia Osiguranje (pdf) (2001)
Contact us
For any questions regarding the Amsterdam International Law Clinic, send us an e-mail or contact Vid Prislan.
Contact former clinic students
If you're interested in more hands-on information about the clinic and experiences from former Amsterdam International Law Clinic students, you can contact any of the following former students. Send us an e-mail and we will provide you with the relevant contact information.