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Workshop: Attune your senses in nature


Workshop: Attune your senses in nature

Last modified on 07-01-2025 12:57
This workshop invites students to attune their senses with the natural landscape and more-than-human life at Anna’s Tuin & Ruigte, the Permaculture Garden at Science Park.
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Start date
14-01-2025 15:00
End date
14-01-2025 16:30

Anna's Tuin & Ruigte, de Permacultuurtuin op Science Park.

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Student life can be stressful and disembodying. Through gentle guidance and Qigong exercises, collectively we will connect with our bodies and discover the supporting earth beneath our feet. Then we will engage our perceptual capacities and senses through paying attention to the plants, animals, and trees around us. Noticing more-than-humans is an act of inclusion and wellbeing. It restores us naturally to our bodies and selves, and reminds us of our kinship to everyone and everything earthly.

The workshop will be taught by Dr Scott Dalby. He is a cultural anthropologist at AUC/UvA and researches and writes about Qigong. Scott teaches anthropology and interdisciplinary courses on community, awareness and consciousness. He practices Qigong, yoga, 5Rhythms dance and shamanism.

This workshop is part of the Well-being Week 2025.