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Presentation Master's thesis - Charlotte Hartenstein - Psychological Methods

Colloquium credits

Presentation Master's thesis - Charlotte Hartenstein - Psychological Methods

Last modified on 09-01-2025 15:19
A Bayesian approach investigating predictors of Employee Loyalty through a Within- and Between-Subject analysis
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Start date
14-01-2025 13:00
End date
14-01-2025 14:00

Roeterseilandcampus - Building G, Street: Nieuwe Achtergracht 129-b, Room: G2.01

Employee loyalty is an important factor for organizational success, especially given the recent challenge of staff shortages. This research aims to investigate predictors of employee loyalty by focusing on factors such as work pleasure, development opportunities, feeling safe addressing supervisor behavior, communication from higher management and communication from supervisors. A Bayesian approach was applied to existing company data from 59.626 employees across two time points. The between- and within-subject effects of the predictors on employee loyalty were investigated. The analysis revealed that all the factors have a significant positive effect on employee loyalty. The strongest predictor on both between- and within-subject levels is work pleasure, followed by development opportunities. At the between-subject level, communication from higher management, followed by feeling safe addressing the behavior of the supervisor, emerged as the next strongest predictors. However, at the within-subject level, these predictors were found to be equally strong. Across both levels, communication from the supervisor was identified as the weakest predictor of employee loyalty. This research highlights the importance of investigating both within- and between-subject effects, as they do not always have the same results.