What is your study programme?
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What is your study programme?

Career insights through self-analysis


Career insights through self-analysis

Last modified on 25-10-2024 04:22
Finding a job that really suits you starts by knowing yourself. This workshop will help you recognise your interests and capacities.
Show information for your study programme
What is your study programme?
Start date
13-05-2025 09:30
End date
13-05-2025 12:00
Building JK, Room 2.92, Roeterseilandcampus, Nieuwe Achtergracht, Amsterdam

For you?

Do you have difficulty deciding what your strengths are and what career will suit you? Finding a job starts with knowing yourself. An experienced career coach will encourage you to look at different aspects of yourself. By mapping your interests, capacities, motives and career values, you'll determine what is important to you. These insights will provide a solid base for making decisions about your future. After this workshop, you can look for positions, organisations and tasks that fit your preferences more confidently.

This workshop is also available in Dutch as 'Inzicht in jouw carriere door zelfanalyse'.


Training Centre Student Services

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