The field of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) has had the wind in its sails in recent years. Organisations and companies have increasingly invested in personnel, activities and policies. A development with many advantages, but they are not always seen and appreciated by everyone.
Because with the changing political climate and social unrest, it is not self-evident that DEI initiatives will also have a place in the workplace in the future. That is why the CDO is organising an event during which we will address the following questions, among others:
- What is the impact of this social and political shift on the work of DEI professionals, both inside and outside the university? And how can people in the field strengthen their connections with each other?
- How can we strengthen policies on social safety, among other things, without it being seen as ‘overprotection’?
- How do we deal with tensions that arise when navigating academic freedom or freedom of expression and an inclusive campus and society? And what role do universities play in combating polarization?
- What actions are needed to address these challenges and continue to work together towards a university and society for everyone?
- Rabin Baldewsing, National Coordinator against Racism and Discrimination, will give the keynote;
- Tofik Dibi: author and former politician. He wrote about the fight (Twitter) activists wage against injustice in The Monster of Wokeness (2020);
- Dr. Saskia Bonjour: associate professor of Political Science. Her research and teaching focus on themes such as citizenship, racism and gender. She also contributed to university DEI policy;
- Fayaaz Joemmanbaks, senior researcher and project leader at Movisie. Fayaaz is non-binary and works closely with grassroots LGBTQIA+ organisations;
- Dr. Edith Hooge: Chair of the Executive Board of the UvA, also an educational expert, will give a short reflection at the end of the event.