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UB Dinner Second Edition

Join the Library's Dinner

Last modified on 11-10-2023 16:38
During the exam period, on Tuesday, 24 October, there will be another UB Dinner. A cozy one-hour meal, where you can meet new fellow students and taste a dish from the History of Food collection. In this edition, the meal is inspired by the oldest cookbook 'Eenen seer schoonen ende excellenten coc-boeck' (from 1593).
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Start date
24-10-2023 18:00
End date
24-10-2023 19:30

Canteen, University Library, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam

During the exam period, on Tuesday, 24 October, the 'UB Diner' will take place again. A cozy dinner of one hour, after which students can start an evening study session with renewed energy.

In this edition, the UB kitchen prepares a rich onion soup with ginger, sugar, beer, and a savory oatmeal with spices and bread croutons. This meal is inspired by the oldest cookbook 'Eenen seer schoonen ende excellenten coc-boeck' (first edition from 1593). Together with curator Charlotte Kleyn, you'll get a glimpse into the elite kitchen of the late Middle Ages, where many spices were used.

In a short pub quiz, you can win a copy of the cookbook by using your own knowledge and intuition.


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