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The Executive Board response to events 13 May 2024


The Executive Board response to events 13 May 2024

Published on 13-05-2024
The UvA's Executive Board is shocked at the way a peaceful protest has been hijacked by violent elements who misuse their own ‘right to demonstrate’ and deny the fundamental rights of others, including the media. It is unacceptable that people at the UvA are harassed, threatened and forced to leave their place of work or study.
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This morning, there was a demonstration at university buildings, mainly buildings on the Roeterseiland Campus, in the form of a walkout. During this walkout, UvA students and staff expressed their outrage about the war in Gaza and about the ending of earlier occupations of UvA buildings. The Executive Board shares the sense of outrage. The demonstration was orderly, because of participants' intentions but also because of the efforts of the organisers. The Executive Board appreciates this and has expressed this to the organisers.  

When the walk-out ended, many of the participants left. Some stayed behind and new people joined this group. The atmosphere immediately turned, face coverings were worn again and several buildings on Roeterseiland were invaded by people dressed in black clothing and masks. They barricaded the entrances and exits, including emergency exits, creating an unsafe situation for everyone on the premises. There was deliberate vandalism everywhere. The UvA has filed charges of breaking in and vandalism. Besides being barricaded, the Library Learning Centre in the hall was demolished, and people entered several floors of the building, including that of the Executive Board. 

The Executive Board does not allow occupations, blockades, barricades or overnight stays in and around university buildings. On the subject of collaborating with external organisations, we are holding talks with staff within our existing consultation structures. These talks were already ongoing and will be intensified in the coming weeks. 

UvA buildings closed on Tuesday and Wednesday

The Executive Board cannot take responsibility for the safety of all those on campus now. For this reason, there will be no teaching at the UvA on Tuesday and Wednesday. Buildings on all campuses are closed. We do not expect lecturers to be able to teach online at such short notice. Students can find more information on Canvas. This applies to all faculties except the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry. 

What is the UvA doing for students who feel unsafe? 

In the event of an immediate physical threat or emergency

Call security: 020 525 2222

This number is not intended for general, non-urgent questions about safety.

Questions and concerns

There are different people you can approach, such as a study adviser, a student psychologist or a confidential adviser. Go to information and contact details.