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[ enrolled students ]
What is your study programme?

The FSR FNWI 24/25 is looking for council members!

Published on 10-04-2024
The Faculty Student Council is looking for members for next year. As a council member, you can make a difference within the faculty.
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What is your study programme?

This year we are working (with you) on:

  • more student psychologists on campus;
  • improving compliance with review deadlines;
  • focus on women in STEM;
  • a network of confidants within the study associations;
  • more support for resits;
  • organizing Purple Friday;
  • and better facilities for students with disabilities.

In addition, being in the Faculty Student Council also has many advantages:

  • You get to know the faculty better and have interesting conversations with different representatives.
  • You work together with a tight group of people who also want the best for the faculty.
  • It looks great on your CV.
  • You get a compensation of at least €500 per month.
  • Time investment: (approx.) 8 hours a week.

Sign up or create your own student party

Get into the council

  • Sign up with a student party/list and say you are interested (before 23 April)
  • Prepare (together with us) for the elections
  • Campaign week (13 to 17 May)
  • Election results (22 May)