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Join the UvA’s new diversity sounding board

Published on 08-04-2024 16:00
Join the Central Diversity Office in working towards a more diverse, equitable and inclusive university by becoming a member of the UvA's new diversity sounding board.
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What is a sounding board?

A sounding board is a group of people who give feedback and advice on activities, policy proposals and priorities. For the Central Diversity Office (CDO), it is essential to our work that we serve the people on campus. We therefore want to include a wide range of people from all backgrounds, degrees, faculties and expertise.

Why do we want you?

We want this group to represent our diverse campus community. We are looking for people who want to share their experiences to improve life on campus. This is an open call to anyone who wishes to join.

What will the sounding board look like and what are we asking of you?

We have invited around 35 networks and individuals as participants. Invitees range from student associations to the Central Works Council, from UvA Pride to teacher trainers. In addition, we are hosting this open call to cast a wider net and to reach people who may not feel represented by these organisations.

The UvA Diversity Sounding Board will convene once every two months. For the remainder of this academic year, we will meet on:

  • Thursday, 25 April, 9:30 - 11:00 in the Maagdenhuis
  • Monday, 17 June, 15:30 - 17:00 at the Roeterseiland Campus

All meetings will be hybrid, though we hope to meet as many members as possible in person, so we can facilitate networking opportunities.

The Central Diversity Office will coordinate and support this sounding board, but all interested UvA members can make use of this unique assembly and propose agenda items for its meetings. You can therefore also influence the agenda.

What do we want to accomplish?

The UvA Diversity Sounding Board will become a wider network of those committed to increasing diversity, equity and inclusion on our campus. As such, it will help further the work of the CDO and others in many ways. The Sounding Board can offer advice on priorities and activities of the CDO and Faculty Diversity Officers. The Sounding Board can also be invited to give feedback on the UvA’s policies, such as the Memorandum on Diversity, or the UvA's responses in times of international crisis. The Sounding Board can support and develop joint responses to developments on campus. We will also explicitly invite members to share their own observations and concerns.

How can you join?

Send an email to project leader Meltem Halaceli via m.halaceli@uva.nlExternal link with a short motivation letter (max 100 words) on why you want to join the Diversity Sounding Board and your engagement with diversity, equality and inclusion. Because the number of spots available is limited, we'll be making a selection based on the motivation letters submitted.