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Twee studenten kickboksen in het USC

Free sports membership for first-year Bachelor’s students: USC Deal

Published on 14-09-2023 12:00
Discover yoga, kickboxing, fitness, bouldering and much more at USC, the UvA's own sports centre. Free for first-year undergraduate students until the end of 2023. To claim the USC Deal, activate the unique code you'll receive by e-mail.
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Start fresh, stay fresh

USC is the sports centre of the UvA. Good news if you're new to the city: first-year Bachelor's students can try the USC for free until 31 December 2023. An introductory gift from the UvA.

Yoga, kickboxing, fitness and more

Eligible students will receive the code for a passe-partout membership through e-mail. Upon activation, you can try out the variety USC has to offer. From squash to yoga, kickboxing to fitness and basketball to bouldering. The full range of sports can be found on the USC websiteExternal link


With an all-access membership, you can exercise as often as you want. Seven days a week. Work out on your own or join a group class. The membership is valid at six of the seven USC locations. Only the tennis and padel centre is not part of the USC Deal.

More information about USCExternal link.


  • You receive this offer as a first-year bachelor's student at the UvA.
  • The offer is valid only if you're attending the UvA for the first time this academic year as a regular first-year bachelor's student. If you were (partly) enrolled as a regular bachelor's student before, unfortunately, you cannot use the discount. 
  • The action code can only be used for the passe-partout membership.
  • You can activate the membership with the code until 30 November 2023.
  • The membership will automatically expire on 1 January 2024, no matter when you activate the action code.
  • The action code is unique. It can be used only once. And only by you.
  • Are you eligible for the offer but already have a paid USC membership? Please get in touch with USC via usc@uscsport.nlExternal link.