What is your study programme?
Information for
[ enrolled students ]
What is your study programme?
Programme Committee

The Programme Committee needs you!

Published on 18-08-2022 15:38
Do you want to actively contribute to improving the quality of your education? Register as a member of your Programme Committee.
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What is your study programme?

What is a Programme Committee?

An Programme Committee (or Opleidingscommissie (OC) in Dutch) is a participation body that consists of half students and half teachers.

What does a Programme Committee do?

The Programme Committee represents the students and lecturers of the program by advising on the quality and policy of the programme.

• The Programme Committee issues advice on the Education and Examination Regulations of the programme

The Programme Committee monitors the quality of the programme

• The Programme Committee advises on educational matters of the programme

• The Programme Committee actively contributes to educational improvement

• The Programme Committee maintains a good relationship with the supporters

What can becoming a member do you for you personally?

• You gain managerial experience

• Most student members of a OC are eligible for a board grant

Find out more and / or register as a member

Go to https://student.uva.nl/en/topics/programme-committee and select your study programme.