What is your study programme?
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What is your study programme?

Placement in classes and tutorials

Last modified on 18-11-2024 16:57
After the course registration period, GLASS will place you in courses and tutorials using an algorithm. GLASS is the UvA’s course registration system.
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What is your study programme?

The algorithm is designed to assign courses as fairly as possible. Academic performance or other personal criteria aren’t taken into account. It also doesn’t matter when you register for courses, as long as it’s within the course registration period. The algorithm collects registrations, timetable preferences and information about your degree programme, together with the placement rules as stated in the Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) or Course Catalogue. The algorithm is designed to distribute available spots in courses and tutorials efficiently so that you get the best possible timetable.

Placement in courses

  • The algorithm collects registrations and timetable preferences of all students.
  • After the course registration period ends, the algorithm processes the applications based on priority, as determined by the entry rules. (Entry rules determine which student group has priority. For example, students from a particular degree programme or minor).
  • If the maximum number of participants is exceeded, the algorithm uses a draw to distribute the available spots.

Placement in tutorials

  • After you’ve been placed in a course, the algorithm places you in a tutorial.
  • The algorithm aims to find you a tutorial group that meets your preferences and that overlaps as little as possible with your other academic commitments, such as lectures and tutorial meetings.
  •  In case of equal circumstances, a draw will take place.