P&A: Science for Energy and Sustainability (master, joint degree)
P&A: Theoretical Physics (master, joint degree)
Pedagogical Sciences (master)
Pedagogische wetenschappen (bachelor)
Pedagogische wetenschappen (master)
Philosophy (master)
Philosophy (research master)
Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (master)
Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (schakelprogramma)
Physics and Astronomy (master, joint degree)
Political Science (bachelor)
Political Science (master)
Political Science (premaster)
Politicologie (bachelor)
PPLE - Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (bachelor)
Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image (duale master)
Preventieve jeugdhulp en opvoeding (schakelprogramma)
Privaatrechtelijke rechtspraktijk (master)
Psychobiologie (bachelor)
Psychologie (schakelprogramma)
Psychologie (bachelor), NL
Psychologie (master), NL
Psychology (premaster)
Psychology (bachelor), EN
Psychology (master), EN
Psychology (research master), EN
Public International Law (master)
Publieksgeschiedenis (master)
Quantum Computer Science (master)
Rechtsgeleerdheid (bachelor)
Rechtsgeleerdheid met HBO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
Rechtsgeleerdheid met WO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
Redacteur/editor (duale master)
Religiewetenschappen (bachelor)
Religious Studies (research master)
Russische en Slavische studies (bachelor)
Scandinavië studies (bachelor)
Scheikunde (bachelor, joint degree)
Science, Technology & Innovation (bachelor)
Security and Network Engineering (master)
Sign Language Linguistics (bachelor)
Social Sciences (research master)
Sociale geografie en Planologie (bachelor)
Sociologie (bachelor)
Sociology (bachelor)
Sociology (master)
Sociology (premaster)
Software Engineering (master)
Spaanse en Latijns-Amerikaanse studies (bachelor)
Spirituality and Religion (master)
Spirituality and Religion (schakelprogramma)
Staats- en bestuursrecht (master)
Stads- en architectuurgeschiedenis (master)
Stochastics and Financial Mathematics (master)
Strafrecht (master)
Taalwetenschappen (bachelor)
Technology Governance (advanced master)
Television and Cross-Media Culture (master)
Theaterwetenschap (bachelor)
Theatre Studies (master)
Universitaire Pabo van Amsterdam (bachelor)
Urban and Regional Planning (master)
Urban and Regional Planning (premaster)
Urban Studies (research master)
Vertalen (master)
Vertalen (schakelprogramma)
Wiskunde (bachelor)
Central Diversity Office
Last modified on 09-09-2024 12:03
The CDO works to create an environment where everyone feels safe, respected and supported by questioning policies, organising events and bringing people together.
Show information for your study programme
You're currently viewing general information. Choose your study programme to see additional information that's specific to your study programme, such as deadlines, regulations and contact details.
What is your study programme?
Accountancy and Control (master)
Accountancy and Control (premaster)
Actuarial Science (bachelor)
Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance (master)
American Studies (master)
Ancient Studies (bachelor)
Arabische taal en cultuur (bachelor)
Arbeidsrecht (master)
Archaeology (master)
Archaeology (premaster)
Archaeology (bachelor), EN
Archaeology and Heritage (research master)
Archeologie (bachelor), NL
Archival and Information Studies (duale master)
Art and Performance Research Studies (research master)
Artificial Intelligence (master)
Bèta-gamma (bachelor)
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (master, joint degree)
Biological Sciences (master)
Biologie (bachelor)
Biomedical Sciences (master)
Biomedische wetenschappen (bachelor)
BMS: Cell Biology and Advanced Microscopy (master)
BMS: Cognitive Neurobiology and Clinical Neurophysiology (master)
BMS: Developmental and Therapeutic Biology (master)
BMS: Experimental Internal Medicine (master)
BMS: Infection and Immunity (master)
BMS: Medical Biochemistry and Biotechnology (master)
BMS: Molecular Neurosciences (master)
BMS: Oncology (master)
BMS: Physiology of Synapses and Networks (master)
BMS: Psychopharmacology and Pathophysiology (master)
P&A: Science for Energy and Sustainability (master, joint degree)
P&A: Theoretical Physics (master, joint degree)
Pedagogical Sciences (master)
Pedagogische wetenschappen (bachelor)
Pedagogische wetenschappen (master)
Philosophy (master)
Philosophy (research master)
Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (master)
Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (schakelprogramma)
Physics and Astronomy (master, joint degree)
Political Science (bachelor)
Political Science (master)
Political Science (premaster)
Politicologie (bachelor)
PPLE - Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (bachelor)
Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image (duale master)
Preventieve jeugdhulp en opvoeding (schakelprogramma)
Privaatrechtelijke rechtspraktijk (master)
Psychobiologie (bachelor)
Psychologie (schakelprogramma)
Psychologie (bachelor), NL
Psychologie (master), NL
Psychology (premaster)
Psychology (bachelor), EN
Psychology (master), EN
Psychology (research master), EN
Public International Law (master)
Publieksgeschiedenis (master)
Quantum Computer Science (master)
Rechtsgeleerdheid (bachelor)
Rechtsgeleerdheid met HBO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
Rechtsgeleerdheid met WO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
Redacteur/editor (duale master)
Religiewetenschappen (bachelor)
Religious Studies (research master)
Russische en Slavische studies (bachelor)
Scandinavië studies (bachelor)
Scheikunde (bachelor, joint degree)
Science, Technology & Innovation (bachelor)
Security and Network Engineering (master)
Sign Language Linguistics (bachelor)
Social Sciences (research master)
Sociale geografie en Planologie (bachelor)
Sociologie (bachelor)
Sociology (bachelor)
Sociology (master)
Sociology (premaster)
Software Engineering (master)
Spaanse en Latijns-Amerikaanse studies (bachelor)
Spirituality and Religion (master)
Spirituality and Religion (schakelprogramma)
Staats- en bestuursrecht (master)
Stads- en architectuurgeschiedenis (master)
Stochastics and Financial Mathematics (master)
Strafrecht (master)
Taalwetenschappen (bachelor)
Technology Governance (advanced master)
Television and Cross-Media Culture (master)
Theaterwetenschap (bachelor)
Theatre Studies (master)
Universitaire Pabo van Amsterdam (bachelor)
Urban and Regional Planning (master)
Urban and Regional Planning (premaster)
Urban Studies (research master)
Vertalen (master)
Vertalen (schakelprogramma)
Wiskunde (bachelor)
The UvA's Diversity DocumentExternal link sets out various objectives and measures to achieve a diverse and inclusive environment. One of these measures is the deployment of diversity officers.
Central Diversity Officer and Faculty Diversity Officers
The role of Diversity Officer includes a range of responsibilities, such as identifying, promoting, creating and implementing initiatives in and outside of the UvA. Examples include diversity programmes, training options and projects. And did you know the CDO also has a Grassroots FundExternal link? The fund makes one-off grants available to students with an idea to promote equality, diversity and inclusion. Because we believe it takes all of us to create a university that is accessible for everyone.
Inclusion calendar
On an international campus like ours, you are bound to come into contact with cultures that have different customs and traditions from your own. It can be enriching to pay attention to holidays with others, but it is difficult to be aware of every day. The inclusion calendar can help you with this. You can also use the calendar to get inspired to organise events for which you can apply for financial support, such as the Grassroots FundExternal link and Campus Connection SupportExternal link.
Each and every one of us is needed and each and every one of us counts. That is why the CDO liaises closely with the Central Student Council, the Central Works Council and various networks and communities. The CDO also maintains close contacts with a number of external networks and partners, including the National Diversity Officers Consultative Committee (Landelijk Overleg Diversity Officers, LanDO), the League of European Research Universities (LERU) and the national expertise centre for diversity policy ECHOExternal link.
Other responsibilities of Diversity Officers
Other responsibilities of Diversity Officers include:
proposing and supporting concrete measures and steps for research institutes and Graduate Schools;
driving the cultural change process required to tackle specific issues;
keeping board members, their units and the institution as a whole up to speed regarding these issues;
acting as an expert within the institution and providing advice on diversity and inclusion.
The Central Diversity Officer is not responsible for policymaking, nor are the Faculty Diversity Officers. Responsibility for the implementation and execution of the measures is retained by the Executive Board and the deans.
We want to offer staff and students a safe space to express their thoughts on the topic of diversity. You can get in touch via diversity@uva.nlExternal link at any time and you can remain anonymous if you wish.