What is your study programme?
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What is your study programme?

Board of Studies

Last modified on 19-10-2024 16:16
The Board of Studies safeguards the quality of education. A Board of Studies consists of the College/Graduate School director and the programme directors. Students also sit on the Board.
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What is your study programme?

Every Graduate School and every College at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences has a Board of Studies (BoS), consisting of the College/Graduate School director, the programme directors and one or more students.

The Board of Studies advises the College/Graduate School director, oversees the study programmes and ensures that the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes complement each other. It also safeguards the quality of student guidance and support and academic student counselling. The Board of Studies is not the same as the Programme Committee, which operates at the degree programme level

Student participation in decision-making

The Board Of Studies plays an important role in student participation in decision-making. As a student member of the Board of Studies, you will play the role of intermediary between the directors and the students of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes.

You will also listen in on Programme Committee meetings and offer both solicited and unsolicited advice to the College/Graduate School director.