At the moment I’m in the second year of my Bachelor’s programme Scheikunde (Chemistry), which is a super interesting degree programme. I’m also active in the programme’s study association and I take part in several committees. In addition, I’m a member of the Programme Committee, which aims to safeguard the programme’s quality.
Since starting my Bachelor’s, I’ve felt the need to not only take part in the ancillary social activities of my programme, but also to work ‘behind the scenes’, and be involved in management business and the like. The Programme Committee was a start, but I wanted to be part of something bigger, which didn’t just apply to my own degree programme. The student assessor’s job description fits this bill, because you busy yourself with students as well as the entire faculty’s management.
As a student you have to deal with a lot of rules and protocols, but most students have no idea how those rules are established and how they can influence them. I, as a student, want this to change, and I want to bridge the gap that exists between the students and the Board.
I’m often asked if there’s one specific thing that I want to change as student assessor, but that’s not really the case. Instead, I’d much rather help students get the best possible study experience at university. My goal, therefore, is to pass on students’ wishes and make sure something is done with those wishes.
Just like the preceding student assessors, I plan to attend Student Council meetings, as they discuss many subjects that apply directly to the students of our faculty. I’m also always curious to hear what students think about different topics, so I’m always open to the opinions and ideas I hear.