With the campaign ‘Universities help NL move forward’, all universities from the UNL umbrella organisation are taking action together towards (the decision-makers in) The Hague in the run-up to Budget Day. Soon, a major social media campaign will start in which the added value of higher education in daily life will become visible. The UvA will actively share these messages in the coming period.
In addition to lobbying in The Hague, the UvA makes itself heard through opinion pieces in the media, which in turn are widely read by decision-makers. Erik Boels, financial director UvA, for example, wrote in the Financieel Dagblad about the effect of the proposed cuts on the NetherlandsExternal link (article in Dutch). In a second opinion piece, he argues for a ‘good study premium’ instead of the proposed ‘long study fine’External link for students (article in Dutch). We are actively calling for these posts to be shared on Linkedin for maximum reach.
With a large club of partners, WOinactie prepared an alternative OAJ. Together with AOb, FNV, CNV, PNN, PostdocNL, APnet, CasualAcademy, 0.7, LSVb, ISO, DJA and UNL, WOinactie is calling for people to come to the Domplein in Utrecht on Monday, September 2, at 11:00.
The programme:
Stay fully up to date with actions in higher education through the UvA's social media channels. And make noise by actively sharing, commenting and reposting.
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