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Strikes in public transport Nov. 13-22: lectures will continue

Strikes in public transport Nov. 13-22: lectures will continue

Published on 08-11-2024
Coming to college by train? Then you may be inconvenienced by strikes at ProRail between 13 and 22 November. Please note that lectures will continue.
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Trade union FNV has announced strikes at ProRail's traffic control stations. NS travel information reports: from Wednesday, November 13, these actions will cause inconvenience for train passengers. Without staff at a traffic control post, no trains can run in that area.

Strikes will take place on these days:

  • Wednesday, November 13: ProRail Amsterdam and Alkmaar, disturbance in wider area!
  • Friday, November 15: ProRail Utrecht and Amersfoort
  • Monday, November 18: ProRail Rotterdam, The Hague and Roosendaal
  • Wednesday, November 20: ProRail Eindhoven and Maastricht
  • Friday, November 22: ProRail Zwolle, Groningen and Arnhem

The lectures will continue. Check the NS siteExternal link or app for the latest updates.