My name is Marco Caminada and I am pursuing the master's degree in Finance. Before this, I did the bachelor's in Business Administration. In my spare time, I enjoy playing tennis, spending time with friends and watching football.
During my studies, I have been involved with the UvA a lot. For example, I was a student ambassador and teaching assistant. I liked that, so I wanted to stay involved. I wanted to become a student assessor so that I could give my student perspective on various policies.
I think it is important that students can study as well as possible. But also that students can prepare well for their careers after their studies. This also involves (social) safety and a pleasant study environment.
First, I want to get a better idea of students' wants and needs. Of course, I have my own ideas from my experience as a student, but I think it is important to hear multiple perspectives.
You can always email me at marcocaminada249@gmail.comExternal link. Do you have any questions or ideas? I'd love to hear from you!