During Change Making, bachelor students and professionals collaborate as a “think tank” on a transition issue as co-learners. In the meantime, the course focusses on personal growth. Change Making will be taught once every semester (in blocks 2 and 3 or blocks 5 and 6), with an interchanging theme. The first edition in block 2 and 3 of the coming academic year will focus on 'Co-creating Sustainable Future(s)'.
Change Making is unique in its nature because it uses less traditional forms of learning:
Are you excited about this proactive and interdisciplinary way of learning? Would you like to contribute to societal change? Then Change Making is for you! The course is admissible for bachelor students from the faculties on the Roeterseiland: Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, the Faculty of Law, PPLE, and the Faculty of Economics and Business. A maximum of 25 students will be able to join the course. The registration period is June 10 - 17 and will be available through GLASSExternal link.