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Demonstration at Science Park 904

Foto: Jorn van Eck

Demonstration at Science Park 904

Published on 25-04-2024
On 25 April s a demonstration took place in and around Science Park 904 . No permission had been granted for this. The demonstration was noisy, but no calamities occurred.
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The demonstration consisted of a group of about twenty people called Sit-in for Palestine, who want UvA and VU's academic ties with Israel to be severed. Despite causing a nuisance and some of the demonstrators wearing face coverings, it was decided to go for de-escalation after internal consultations.

The action took place in the central hall of SP904 and briefly on the 1st floor, including the study areas of the UB. Since there was reason to believe that they would also go to LAB42, it was decided to close the doors of that building. The protesters then left of their own accord.

Should you wish to speak to anyone as a result of this event, please turn to your study adviser or a confidential adviser.

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