As the Faculty of Science’s student assessor, you sit in on meetings of the Faculty Board, where you contribute from your perspective as a student. It is your job to monitor developments at our Faculty and assess how this might affect students. You will also have the opportunity to put issues on the board’s agenda yourself, so they’ll know what is going on within the student population. To do this effectively, you are in regular contact with the Faculty of Science’s programme committees, student associations and the Faculty Student Council. Furthermore, you take part in a network of science student assessors in the Netherlands! This way, you can keep track of the nationwide developments in higher education, and relate this to our Faculty.
The tasks of student assessor take between 8 and 10 hours per week. You will get an official appointment at the UvA and a salary. If you want to know more, please contact either the Faculty Student Council (fnwi@studentenraad.nlExternal link), or the current student assessor Pim Meulensteen (student-assessor-fnwi@uva.nlExternal link).
Please note: due to the nature of the job, it is a requirement that you are at least able to understand written and spoken Dutch. Speaking Dutch is considered necessary. All meetings of the Board and all documents are in Dutch.