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What is your study programme?

5 questions about internships

5 questions about internships

Published on 07-02-2024 10:00
How do I find a suitable internship? What are the requirements for an internship to be approved as an elective in your Master's programme? In this article, we answer 5 frequently asked questions about internships.
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What is your study programme?

1. Can I do an internship for credits?

In the Bachelor programmes it is not possible to do an internship within your programme of 180 EC. In most Master's programmes, you can do an internship for 6 EC. More information can be found in the Course CatalogueExternal link.

2. How do I find an internship?

Check UvA Job BoardExternal link or use your own network. Finding an internship is your own responsiblity. On UvA Job Board you will find internships exclusively for UvA students. New internships are added daily. Besides this UvA platform, there are other websites with internship information, such as jobted.nlExternal link or integrand.nlExternal link. You can also check the vacancy pages at companies and/or offices themselves. Finding a suitable internship usually takes about six months.

3. How do I apply for an internship?

If you want to do an internship for credits (6 EC), you should register for the track Legal Ethics and Professional Identity for Legal Professionals in Practice. You can do this by sending an e-mail to stages-fdr@uva.nlExternal link with your student number and the name of the Master's programme you are enrolled in. Once you have found an internship, complete the registration form, have it signed by your internship supervisor and submit it by e-mail to the internship coordinator at stages-fdr@uva.nlExternal link. You do not need to register via GLASS. The mentioned track is offered twice per academic year. In principle, you can start an internship at any time. You can follow the track before, during and after the internship, depending on your own study plan. Don't want to receive credits for the internship? Then registration is not necessary. In this case, you can make your own arrangements with the organisation where you are doing your internship.

4. What are the requirements for an internship to be approved as an elective in your Master's programme?

There are a number of criteria an internship must meet if you want to include it in your study programme. For example, the internship must still be taking place and must last at least 140 hours. In addition, your supervisor must be a legal professional and there must be a substantive link between your internship and your Master's programme. The complete overview of criteria can be found on the webpage internship opportunities and procedure.

5. When should I hand in the internship report?

Halfway through your internship, you hand in an interim report of 750-1000 words, to be approved by the lecturers. No later than 4 weeks after the end of the Legal Ethics track, you will submit the internship report of 1500-2000 words. If your internship has not ended by then, you will submit it in 4 weeks after the end of your internship. If your internship report meets all criteria, you will receive an AVV (all requirements met) on your diploma.

Do you have another question? Check out the page on internships.

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