“As a member of the student council, you meet a lot of new people at the faculty”, Daniella says. “Next to the more serious work the council does, there are a lot of fun bonding activities with the twelve-membered team. In addition to that, you're working towards improving your and your fellow students' student life at the faculty.”
How does the council improve things exactly? Stan explains: “The student council has a say in the Teaching and Examination Regulations, which contains all the rules about your courses and exams. Furthermore, the council's committees deal with a variety of issues, ranging from social safety and diversity and inclusion to the digitalization of education and the BSA. This way, you'll be working on subjects that directly affect you as a student.”
Are you curious to know what the student council in more detail, and how you can become a member in next year’s council? Come have a chat with them in their room (A0.10), and keep your eyes on their Instagram channel @studentenraad_fnwi_uvaExternal link.