Often, this can be related to using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service and nothing is wrong. However, we would rather warn you once too often than once too little, that way if something does go wrong you can act quickly.
If you recognise the login attempt, you do not have to do anything. However, if you do not recognise the login attempt, then someone may have gotten hold of the password of your UvAnetID and it is important that you change it as soon as possible. You can read how to do this in the e-mail you receive about the suspicious login attempt.
If a suspicious login attempt is detected, we must assume for security reasons that your UvA account has been compromised. For this reason, you will not receive the email notifying you of the suspicious login attempt at your UvA email address but at your private email address. You will not receive an email about a suspicious login attempt more than once every 7 days.
There are four situations that are considered a suspicious login attempt that you will be notified about:
In the event of a suspicious login attempt, it is important to establish as quickly as possible whether this was you yourself or someone else trying to log in. By informing you directly about this, you can quickly take action if you do not recognise the login attempt. This is how we keep the UvA digitally safe together.