'I took a bit of a crazy study path myself. During Corona I started doing a pre-Master's in Law alongside my Bachelor's in Business Administration in Rotterdam. I thought it would be interesting to approach strategic issues from the perspective of corporate law as well. I ended up taking the entire Bachelor's degree in Law to obtain civil effect. Because of that switch and a curriculum change, I fell in between existing arrangements and already had frequent contact with the Education Desk, student advisors and the Examination Board. That's how I came into contact with the administrative aspect of the faculty. As a student you know little about that and it made me curious. I already wanted to be more involved in my studies. So when a former Student Assessor pointed me to this position, I immediately wrote an open application.'
'I represent the student perspective in the weekly board meetings. To do so, I read many policy documents and when it comes to education or policies that affect students, I give advice on them from the student perspective. I also chair the umbrella organization for faculty associations and am in close contact with, for example, the Student Council and Bachelor's Council.'
'There certainly are, but I was not elected based on my views. I sit here on behalf of all students and not on behalf of myself. I try to make that distinction. Of course there are things I find less or just right in education. When those come up, I certainly comment on them. For example, I have an opinion about compulsory attendance, tests that seem a bit academic and the online availability of study materials, such as lectures. I believe that you educate adults and that students can take their own responsibility in this. But from the perspective of the organization, I also see that it is a logical choice, for example, to limit online education in order to promote study success.'
'As Student Assessor, you are automatically president of the umbrella organization of study associations. This gives me a lot of contact with students from different programmes. In addition, I completed my Bachelor's last year at an accelerated pace, so I know students from different years. And I have been invited to attend Student Council meetings. I think this combination is an ideal starting point to get a feel for what is going on among students.'
'It is sometimes a bit puzzling with all the abbreviations that come up. But it is interesting to gain insight into, for example, how the incentives work from the UvA and from the ministry. For example, I did not know that there are financial consequences for the faculty if a student is delayed in his studies.'
'Yes, the combination actually makes it interesting. I am interested in mergers and acquisitions, and that aligns with both masters. In the Master's in Strategic Management, you approach this issue from a business, strategic perspective: when do you merge and why or why not? In the Master's in Commercial Legal Practice, I expect to focus more on the practical side. How do you manage a merger? What is allowed and what is not?'
'If students have suggestions or want to share things, they can always emailExternal link me, for example, if their situation does not fit within the Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER). I may need to refer them to the Programme Committee or the Student Council, but it also helps me to know what's going on.'