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What is your study programme?

CareerTest Universum 2023

Published on 28-02-2023 17:26
Want to find out more about which career type you are and what kind of employers would fit you after graduation? Read more about Universum below and take the CareerTest!
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What is your study programme?

Have you ever wondered which career profile matches your personality best? What kind of colleague you're going to be, and what priorities might be most important to you? Take the Universum CareerTestExternal link and get a head start in your career!

Deciding which career path to take is an important choice that can feel overwhelming at times. This is why we have chosen the Universum CareerTest to help you on your professional journey.

The CareerTest provides valuable information about your Career Type, helps you set your salary expectations, and recommends ideal employers for you. Additionally, you will be able to use a professional CV check, and strengthen your skills by practicing psychometric tests used in many assessment centres by hundreds of employers today. Plus, you can stand a chance to win one of 10 vouchers worth 50 euros. 

The CareerTest is a collaboration between the University of Amsterdam and Universum and available from November until April every academic year. Your answers will also tell us what you want us to improve on our UvA Careers Centre. The CareerTest is anonymous.

If you have any questions, please email support@careertest.universumglobal.comExternal link.