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2024 draft budget adopted

2024 draft budget adopted

Published on 12-10-2023 10:00
The Executive Board adopted the UvA’s 2024 draft budget on 10 October 2023. In this news item, you can read what the main points of the budget are and also how you can submit a response to it.
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You can download the Draft Budget here (pdf) (pdf, 193 p.).


The UvA’s budgeted income will increase significantly again compared with the budgeted income in 2023. Due to the high rate of inflation, there will be less room to invest in the quality of education, research and valorisation than there has been in previous years.

Estimates for the government grant, tuition fees and other income have been updated in line with the latest developments and insights. The income budgeted for the UvA as a whole will increase by € 56 million , from € 914 million in the 2023 budget to € 970 million in the 2024 budget. An increase compared with 2023 is particularly evident in the government grant, because of the wage and price compensation for 2023, which is higher than expected when drafting the budget for 2023. The effects of the higher compensation will continue into 2024 and beyond.


Higher income is necessary to absorb the cost increases caused by the high rate of inflation. The budgeted expenses will increase by € 61 million (from € 915 million in the 2023 budget to € 976 million in the 2024 budget). Staffing expenses will increase by € 58 million (from 633 million to 691 million), primarily as the result of the Collective Labour Agreement entered into recently. Persistently high inflation will also cause housing expenses and other expenses to increase, although inflation in the period ahead will probably be lower than it has been recently. 

Submit a response to the draft budget

If you would like to immerse yourself in all the ‘ins and outs’ of the UvA’s finances, download the draft budget and also take a look at The draft budget is published in Dutch. The final budget is published in both Dutch and English.

You too can contribute your thoughts and join the discussion on the draft budget. The Executive Board welcomes responses to the 2024 draft budget from students. Please feel free to submit questions and comments by sending an email to financiënencontrol-bb@uva.nlExternal link by 27 October 2023.

Once the feedback period is over, the feedback from students and staff will be compiled, commented on and submitted to the central representative advisory bodies, which have a right of consent on the main features of the budget. 

The timeline will be as follows:

  • 16 November 2023: end of the local representative advisory bodies’ consultation period
  • 30 November 2023: end of the central representative advisory bodies’ consultation period
  • 18 December 2023: adoption of the final budget by the Supervisory Board
  • End of December 2023: 2024 final budget on