What is your study programme?
Information for
[ enrolled students ]
What is your study programme?

You can still join the Programme Committee!

Published on 06-10-2022 12:14
Your study programme needs you! There are still positions available in the Programme Committee (PC) of your study programme.
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What is your study programme?

As a PC member you work together with lecturers to monitor and to improve the quality of education. Do you want to contribute to your study programme and will you be available around eight to ten hours a month? Then apply for a position as soon as possible.External link There are still positions available in the Programme Committees of the following study programmes:

  • MA Archaeology
  • MA Classics and Ancient Civilisations
  • RMA Archaeology
  • MA Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
  • MA Curating Arts and Cultures
  • MA Heritage Studies (90 ec)
  • MA Arts and Culture (60 ec)
  • MA Arts and Culture (90 ec)
  • RMA Arts and Culture
  • BA Kunstgeschiedenis
  • MA Literary Studies
  • RMA Literary Studies
  • MA Mediastudies
  • RMA Mediastudies
  • MA Linguistics
  • RMA Linguistics
  • BA Theaterwetenschap

Your tasks will consist, among others, of discussing course evaluations, identifying and analysing developments within your study programme, and advising the programme director. You will also maintain close contact with students in your programme and will participate in meetings with the Programme Committee as well as in faculty PC meetings.

More information about your PC can be found on the page below. If you have any questions, please contact the current PC of your study programme.