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Students at the entrance of Roeterseilandcampus

Traffic jams at the REC A entrance

Traffic jams at the REC A entrance

Published on 10-11-2022 15:01
It is regularly extremely busy at the entrance to REC A. At peak times, there are queues in front of the revolving door. To improve the flow, the revolving door is moved to the open position at peak times. We are also carrying out measurements in preparation for a structural solution.
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In corona time, a revolving door was installed against draughts for sustainability reasons. That adjustment was based on counts of inflow and outflow in October 2019. Meanwhile, the number of students has increased significantly: there are simply more people on campus, so the inflow and outflow is also greater. Moreover, September and October are the busiest lecture months. With nice weather, it was no problem in terms of climate to put the door in the open position or to additionally open the adjacent emergency door. Meanwhile, it is autumn and we notice that the intended solution does not offer sufficient capacity.

Queue of people at the entrance to REC A

Peak times

Counts take place in weeks 44 and 45. Initial counts show the following peak times:

  • 8.45 - 9.00h
  • 10.45 - 11.15h
  • 12.45 - 13.15h
  • 14.45 - 15.15h

Approach to nuisance

Based on these initial results, we are already opening the emergency door at peak times and putting the revolving door in the open position as a contingency. Meanwhile, we are working on a plan to distribute traffic flows over several entrances in the coming period to relieve the main entrance. Think of wayfinding via the bicycle basement, via REC D or the bicycle entrance on Roetersstraat. We are also carefully mapping the flows to make additional, structural adjustments to the main entrance, so that the door will soon not have to be opened at peak times. The current expectation is that implementation of the structural improvements to the entrance situation will start in the first quarter of 2023.