At the end of last year, the Faculty Board established an accessible procedure, in which current and former students and employees are offered the opportunity to request aftercare from an independent external confidential adviser. This may concern, for example, a final discussion, recognition, apologies or mediation, but also equitable compensation for costs incurred in relation to the incident.
The aim of the service is to offer aftercare for previously reported socially unsafe situations and/or cases of undesirable behaviour, which were treated and recognised as such, but that were not properly resolved in the eyes of the person who made the report. This should concern situations that took place no more than seven years ago.
If you wish to have some form of aftercare, you can submit a request for this by sending an email to Bureau Bezemer & Schubad via nazorg-fgw@bezemerschubad.nlExternal link. One of the external confidential advisers, Willeke Bezemer or Joanke Visser, will subsequently contact you to discuss the request. They operate independently of the Faculty and will advise the Board about an appropriate resolution of your request.
Download the Temporary aftercare facility following a social unsafe situation in the past (pdf)
If you experienced a socially unsafe situation within the Faculty in the past, which you didn’t previously report, this will not fall under the conditions for this provision. However, you can still report it. Please contact your study adviser, tutor or one of UvA’s confidential advisers for this, who will provide you with support and guidance.
Download the social safety guide as an interactive PDF (pdf)
The Board will bring this temporary provision to the attention of students and employees via the website and the newsletters. In order to also reach former students and employees who may want to request aftercare, confidential advisers and study advisers, among other people, will be asked to inform people who may belong to the target group. If you know someone yourself who belongs to the target group, we would greatly appreciate it if you could bring this temporary provision to their attention.