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What is your study programme?

Meet the Faculty Student Council 2022-2023

Meet the Faculty Student Council 2022-2023

Published on 03-11-2022 11:51
The Faculty Student Council (FSR) is committed to ensuring the best possible educational climate for all students at the Faculty of Science. The council for this academic year is pleased to introduce itself to you.
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What is your study programme?

The FSR listens to students and uses this information to make recommendations on, for instance, resits and elective courses, but also on issues such as gender expression, mental health and social safety at the faculty. They are also involved in the annual discussion and approval of the Education and Examination Regulations (OER). These give shape and content to your study programme, which is why this is one of the FSR's most powerful tools.

Council members


“I am in the second year of Artificial Intelligence. This year, I am a commissioner of FPC and I would like to raise awareness of the council!”

Portret Chris


“I am 18 years old and in the second year of Artificial Intelligence. I am this year's Student Council president and also a committee member on the Facilities and Public Relations Committee. I would like to work this year to get students more involved in student council, to ensure that we can better engage with students' needs.”

Portret Stan


“I am studying Artificial Intelligence. This year, I am a general council member and am on the FPC committee.”

Portret Rabia


“I am the vice-president of the council. I am in my third year of Artificial Intelligence and often hang out at Science Park. In my free time, I like to play football! Besides, my favourite colour is green.”

Portret Liang


“I am a second-year Chemistry student. This year, I am the treasurer of the FSR and am on the Faculty Educational Affairs committee”

Portret Daniella


“I am 23 years old and in my third year of the Future Planet Studies bachelor's programme. As the commissioner of Faculty Education Affairs, I am happy to dedicate myself to improving the study guide and course evaluations”

Portret Melanie


“I am a second-year Biomedical Sciences student and I am joining the student council this year. I'm on the Faculty Education Affairs Committee, where we try to solve education problems at faculty level. Think for example about timetabling or course evaluations. I am also active in the debate association ASDV Bonaparte!”

Portret Daniel


“I am 22 years old and I am Psychobiology student. This year, I am the secretary of the FSR. I am also on the FOZ and am incredibly keen to make education on Science Park just a little bit better!” 

Portret Amber


“I am a Mathematics student and am now in the FSR for the second year. This year, I am on the Regulations and Courses (RegO) committee.” 

Portret Jessica


“This year, I am a FSR council assistant and a member of the RegO committee and the Finance task force. I am a second-year Chemistry student and an active member at the ACD.”

Portret Kasper


“I am a third-year Future Planet Studies student and active in the Regulations and Education Committee. I am also student information officer of my programme.”

Portret Winson

More about the FSR

If you want to know more about the FSR and what they do, you can have a look at the websiteExternal link or visit them in the new council room A0.10 at Science Park 904.