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Faculty of Science students win KHMW Young Talent encouragement prizes

Photo: Stephanie Driessen

Faculty of Science students win KHMW Young Talent encouragement prizes

Published on 06-12-2022 13:00
On Monday 28 November, the Young Talent encouragement prizes were presented at the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) in Haarlem.
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A number of FNWI students received prizes:

  • Finn Rijk received one of the Stichting Physica incentive prizes for Physics and technical physics;
  • Hartog Hartog received one of the ORTEC incentive prizes for Mathematics and technical mathematics;
  • Sander Hoffman received one of the KNVI/KIVI incentive prizes for Informatics & technical computing;
  • Hua Chang Bakker received one of the Visma Connect incentive prizes for Artificial Intelligence;
  • Vivian van Reybrouck van Gelder received one of the KHMW incentive prizes for Biology;
  • Janne Bolwerk received one of the Shell incentive prizes for Chemistry.